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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Budai

Q4 Round-Up: Top 5 Ecommerce Insights from The Ecom Show

As we delve into the latest insights from 'The Ecom Show,' we're excited to present a special blog series focused on the top 5 learnings from the last quarter. In this series we will highlight the top 5 learnings from the last quarter,and distill the most impactful takeaways from these conversations, offering you a concentrated dose of e-commerce expertise. 

1. UGC is the new king of content: Tidy Board’s secret to creating click-worthy ads.

Ever wondered how to create click-worthy ads that truly resonate with your audience? Matthew from Tidy Board, a brand known for its innovative approach in the kitchen utensils niche, shed light on this in episode 244 of The Ecom Show:

"User-generated content is the new king of content. So we work with influencers. Often you have to pay them a little bit or give them a percentage of the sales generated or a combination of both. And we really find that the natural content made by someone seems to resonate the best. So in addition to working with influencers we also staged a UGC video. So it wasn't actually UGC, but it looked a lot like it and that was our number one selling ad. And the shelf life was incredible. Like we were getting a very successful return on ad spend for like two years.“

Matthew's experience underlines the impact and effectiveness of story led e-commerce advertisements.

2. 3 steps to choosing your marketing mix: Test, Assess, Threat - Mad Viking Beard Co.'s digital strategy

In episode 243 of The Ecom Show, Jason, representing Mad Viking Beard Co., a brand that has carved a unique niche in beard care and grooming, detailed their journey from humble beginnings to significant growth. Starting from a casual backyard gathering, Mad Viking Beard Co. evolved into a formidable player in the industry, growing from zero to a million dollar in sales. 

Jason highlighted the importance of a flexible and experimental approach in digital marketing, saying, 

"Every brand is different. What works for us might not even work the same for somebody that's even in our niche. So we've tried them all – we've done TikTok, everything Meta, Facebook, Instagram. We've tried, you know, Pinterest, Twitter, all that good stuff. Yeah, you know, we've basically tried everything to see how it works out, test, assess, threat. But I think most of our weight we put behind, you know, Google and Meta for the most part, as I think most brands do that"​​.

Jason's insights reveal the importance of not just using a variety of digital platforms, but also understanding that a strategy effective for one brand may not be as successful for another. This highlights the value of continuous testing and adaptation in developing effective marketing strategies, crucial for any e-commerce brand aiming for significant growth and success.

3. Creating a tailored email journey: Xeroshoes' unique opt-in strategy"

How engaged your email list is, is more important than the size of your list. In episode 241 of The Ecom Show our guest speaker Steven Sashen shared an interesting way to build an engaged email list from the get-go. Steven is the founder of XeroShoes, an 8-figure barefoot shoe company with 14+ years of experience (they’ve even been on Shark Tank!) Here’s his strategy:

“We think about email in the same way we think about all of our business, really, which is that people there's what's referred to as the funnel of awareness. And so we were building our email around that whole idea of the funnel. We have different ways for people to opt in who know nothing about us. For example, we have  a website called, where we give away free e-books about natural approaches to plantar fasciitis, or a way to reduce running injury risk by to under 50%. And we happen to be a part of it. But the reason people are opting in is not about us. So it's a bit tangential, but still related."

And then for people who are on our website, we're giving them different ways to opt in as well with different things that we can do there. And the whole point there is to segment our list even before they’ve made a purchase so we can customize the way we communicate with them from the get-go.”

Unlike most brands that offer a simple pop-up on their website with a discount, XeroShoes has taken the time to map out different opt-in’s to attract more subscribers and used the entryway their subscribers have chosen to tailor their experience. 

4. Strategic pricing in a competitive market: Invirox's approach to gaining an edge

In episode #239 of The Ecom Show, Ken from Invirox shared insights on their unique pricing strategy that set them apart in the competitive pet products market. Understanding the importance of positioning in e-commerce, Invirox chose a price range that was relatively unoccupied by competitors, aiming to attract customers looking for quality without the premium cost.

Ken explained the rationale behind this strategy: "We set the price in a different price range, just because nobody was in this price range, which is $50 and up, there were no brands or almost maybe one or two brands that display their products in this price range." 

This decision was based on the recognition that pet owners often seek products that reflect a balance of quality and value - they are willing to spend more than the cheapest options but are still price-conscious and hesitate to pick the most expensive option out there.  By positioning their products in the $50 and up range, they managed to carve out a niche in a crowded market, appealing to a specific segment of customers who value quality in pet products but are mindful of pricing. 

5. AI-powered business optimization: Check out 

The last point in our blog isn't so much a learning as it is a recommendation for e-commerce brands looking to optimize their processes with the latest in AI technology. In episode 236 of The Ecom Show, we had an enlightening conversation with Kasuambi, the co-founder of, a tool that epitomizes the pivotal role of AI in driving business operations for 2023 and 2024.

Here's what the co-founder had to share about the capabilities of "Selling online is complicated. And what we do is we make the concept of you getting more sales easier, by one, helping you make sense of quality data, translating it into simple insights, actionable insights, and two, helping you now act on that." 

She elaborated on how assists in monitoring product performance, such as identifying the top 10 slow movers in a store, and then implementing strategies like slow mover sales targeted at shoppers likely to buy on discount. This approach not only helps in clearing excess inventory but also in making data-driven decisions to enhance sales efficiency.'s emphasis on simplifying complex data for actionable insights, and assisting businesses in strategically acting on these insights, demonstrates how AI can be a transformative tool for e-commerce brands striving for efficiency and growth.

Thanks for joining us on this insightful journey through the latest highlights from 'The Ecom Show.' As we've explored together, each episode is a treasure trove of knowledge, brimming with practical tips and real-world experiences from leading e-commerce experts. If these top 5 takeaways from our recent quarter have piqued your interest, there's plenty more where that came from. We encourage you to dive into our rich archive of episodes by clicking here.

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